Active Directory Management Framework

Configuration driven Active Directory management.

Context Stores


A Context Store is a directory where the Active Directory Management Framework looks for Contexts. You can define any number of them and they are backed by the PSFramework Configuration System.

This allows you to define a Context Store in various ways:

Consuming Context Stores

Once a Context Store has been defined (see below), using it is as simple as:

New-AdmfContext -Name ExampleContext -Store MyContext

This will then create a new Context scaffold in the path of the Context Store.

Interactive Use

To interactively create a Context Store:

New-AdmfContextStore -Name MyContext -Path C:\temp

Module Defined

As a PowerShell module, publishing a context on import requires adding a single line to your module-code:

Set-PSFConfig -FullName 'ADMF.Context.Store.ContextStoreName' -Value "$script:ModuleRoot\Contexts" -Validation string -Initialize -Description "ADMF Context Store published by the <ModuleName> module"

This enables the Context Store as soon as the module has been imported.

This assumes, the module defines a script-scope variable $script:ModuleRoot, pointing at the module folder.

Group Policy Defined

Per User Setting

Using group policy, distribute the following registry key:

Key:   HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WindowsPowerShell\PSFramework\Config\Default
Name:  ADMF.Context.Store.ContextStoreName
Type:  REG_SZ
Value: String:\\server\share\contexts

Per Computer Setting

Using group policy, distribute the following registry key:

Key:   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsPowerShell\PSFramework\Config\Default
Name:  ADMF.Context.Store.ContextStoreName
Type:  REG_SZ
Value: String:\\server\share\contexts