Configuration driven Active Directory management.
It is not really possible to handle every special case with a dedicated Component. For those scenarios, the Object Component might help: It allows to freely define AD objects (but cannot delete them!)
These objects are not constrained to the Domain Naming Context - it is very much possible to define forest wide objects in the Configuration NC, such as Exchange Service Connection Points.
Defines a service connection point under the domain-root:
"Path": "%DomainDN%",
"Name": "Core Connection",
"ObjectClass": "serviceConnectionPoint",
"Attributes": {
"keywords": [ "keyword1", "keyword2", "c6195500-2607-44f6-b9d1-85b5601f125f" ],
"serviceBindingInformation": "https://core.%DomainFqdn%"
"AttributesToResolve": [
This parameter uses name resolution.
The Path to the OU in which to place the object.
This parameter uses name resolution.
Name of the object to define.
The class of the object to define.
Attributes (and their value) to include in the object.
The names of all attributes in configuration, for which you want to perform name resolution, before comparing with the actual object in AD.