Active Directory Management Framework

Configuration driven Active Directory management.



Define user objects in configuration.

Example Configuration

A reasonably simple configuration entry:

        "SamAccountName":  "t0.admin.js",
        "GivenName":  "John",
        "Surname":  "Smith",
        "Description": "Tier 0 Admin Account",
        "PasswordNeverExpires":  false,
        "UserPrincipalName": "t0.admin.js@%DomainFqdn%",
        "Path": "OU=Admins,OU=T0,OU=Tiering,%DomainDN%",
        "OldNames": "t0.admin.john.smith"

This configuration will create a new “Tier 0” admin account for John Smith at the Organizational Unit “OU=Admins,OU=T0,OU=TieringDC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com”. The naming concept was changed from full name to just the initials.


The following command allows you to generate json configuration data for all users under the specified OU:

Get-ADuser -Searchbase 'CN=Tier0,DC=contoso,DC=com' -Properties Description -Filter * | Select-PSFObject @(
  'Description To string'
  @{ Name = 'Path'; Expression = { $_.DistinguishedName -replace 'DC=.+$','%DomainDN%' -replace '^.+?,' }}
) | ConvertTo-Json



This parameter uses name resolution.

The SamAccountName of the user object. By default, this is also used to define the Name of the user object


This parameter uses name resolution.

Optional: True Default: <SamAccountName>

The name of the user object. if this property is not specified, it will instead use the SamAccountName as Name.


This parameter uses name resolution.

Optional: Yes Default: $null

The given name of the object.


This parameter uses name resolution.

Optional: Yes Default: $null

The surname (sn / Family Name) of the object.


This parameter uses name resolution.

Optional: Yes Default: $null

The description of the user account. This is required and should describe the purpose / use of the account.


Optional: Yes Default: $false

Whether the password should never expire. By default it WILL expire.


This parameter uses name resolution.

The user principal name the account should have.


This parameter uses name resolution.

The organizational unit the user should be placed in.


Optionl: Yes Default: Undefined

By default, user objects will be created as enabled, but the enabled/disabled state is not managed: If somebody disables the user account, that will ben either changed nor reported.

Unless you explicitly state your preference with the Enabled property, that is.

Supported states:


This parameter uses name resolution.

Optional: Yes Default: @()

Previous names the user object had. Will trigger a rename if a user is found under one of the old names but not the current one.

If for some reason more than one of the old names is in use, rename will fail and an error entry is generated


Optional: Yes Default: true

Whether the user should be present. This can be used to trigger deletion of a managed account.