Active Directory Management Framework

Configuration driven Active Directory management.

Schema Attribute


Using this Component it becomes possible to define a custom schema attribute.

Please give the attribute documentation careful attention before defining your own extensions, as this process may become hard to reverse.

When working with the AD Schema, keep in mind the special considerations for privileges

Example Configuration

        "ObjectClass":  ["user"],
        "OID":  "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.10",
        "AdminDisplayName":  "Manager",
        "LdapDisplayName":  "manager",
        "OMSyntax":  127,
        "AttributeSyntax":  "",
        "SingleValued":  true,
        "AdminDescription":  "The manager of a given user",
        "SearchFlags":  1,
        "PartialAttributeSet":  true,
        "AdvancedView":  false


While building this configuration should be rare and significant enough that manual inspection with redundant reviews should be worthwhile, here is one snippet to generate a sample attribute json:

$rootDSE = Get-ADRootDSE
$schemaNC = $rootDSE.schemaNamingContext
Get-ADObject -Filter 'Name -eq "manager"' -SearchBase $schemaNC -Properties * |
  Select-PSFObject @(
      'attributeID as OID'
      'isSingleValued as SingleValued'
      'isMemberOfpartialAttributeSet as PartialAttributeSet'
      'showInAdvancedViewOnly as AdvancedView'
  ) | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ObjectClass -Value @() -PassThru |

Replace the search-filter to pick the attribute you actually want to copy. Then absolutely remember to update the OID to a new, unique value and add new names at the absolute minimum.



List of object-class names that should have this property. For example, pick "user" for an attribute that should be added to user objects.


The unique Attribute ID of the attribute. Object identifier handling can be a complex consideration all by itself. If your company has no guidance on this, Microsoft offers guidance on how to obtaining a dedicated root OID.


The AdminDisplayName is the name commonly seen by a human user. Should be unique and - to reduce risk for confusion - be equal to the LdapDisplayName.


The LdapDisplayName must be unique and will be the name you programmatically access the attribute. For example, if you create an attribtue that is assigned to user objects and then want to search for users that have a specific value for that attribute using PowerShell, this is the name you use for filtering.


The Name must be unique and is part of the AD path notation. This parameter is optional and will default to the same value as the AdminDisplayName.


One part of the syntax notation (together with AttributeSyntax). Syntaxes define what kind of data can be stored in an attribute.

You can find the list of supported syntaxes here.

For example, the previously used example - the “manager” attribute - uses the object(DS-DN) syntax, resulting in an OMSyntax of 127.


The AttributeSyntax - together with the OMSyntax - define, what kind of data can be stored in the attribute being defined.

You can find the list of supported syntaxes here.

For example, the previously used example - the “manager” attribute - uses the object(DS-DN) syntax, resulting in an AttributeSyntax of "".


Whether the attribute can only store one entry or any number of entries of the defined type. See AttributeSyntax, OMSyntax and Syntax definitions for attribute data types.


A sensible description that explains the purpose of this attribute.


The searchflags allow governing a lot of details on how this attribute is handled in memory as well as the database. This is a bitmap property, meaning that any of its options can be combined by adding up their decimal-numeric value.

Their main purpose is to define whether and how the attribute is indexed. Indexing a property costs DC resources, and slows updating-performance of the property by a small amount. Only enable indexing, if you expect to use the attribute often in searches as a filter condition.

A few common indexing setups:

0 Not Indexed
1 Plain Index
5 Indexed and part of Ambiguous Name Resolution
33 Tuple-Indexed, better performance on searches with leading ‘*’ for double the cost

Other behaviors you can usefully define using this attribute:

8 Preserve on Tombstone
16 Copy this attribute’s value if the object it belongs to is copied
128 Attribute is confidential. This requires explicitly granting access, GenericAll permissions will not grant access


Boolean value, determines whether this attribute is on the global catalog.


Whether the defined attribute is visible in advanced view of the ADUC mmc console only. Given that custom attributes will usually only show up in the attribute editor (available in advanced view only), this setting rarely has any effect.


Flags the attribute as defunctional. Use this to either retire an attribute or replace it with a new iteration. Setting this to true will cause:

Other properties can and will still be applied, for example renaming the attribute if you want to replace it with a new attribute of the same name.